
Strange Young Things @ Teakwoods

A.K.A "Let's Get Stinko"

Saturday, August 7, 2010 - 01:17:42 pm
(Posted Under: Tempe Music Scene Tempe Music Scene, Music Music, Live Shows)
Fun night last night with Strange Young Things at Teakwoods. It's actually seems like it's been a while since we've been to Teaks. Really just because we weren't here last weekend, but even so, it felt like being home again.

Given Kstie's news about Best Buy, we were set to get stinko. Not really, but certainly relative to how much we normal drink on our current budget. Which is counter productive to our scrimping after Vegas, but it's just something that needed to happen. So, I took full advantage of the Friday night specials - Four Peaks 8th Street Ale. And while I was pretty far from actually getting stinko, I did have a slight buzz going on by the end of the night. Oh how I love drink specials. Not that 8th Street Ale is my favorite beer, but I do enjoy it now and then (generally when eating at Four Peaks, and if it means that I get more bang for my back - or beer for my buck as the case may be, bring it on.)

With how shitty the last couple of days have been, the whole excitment of Strange Young Things playing at Teakwoods had kinda been lost of me. Just in that it's a sweet gig - arguably one of the best for us, but I'm not sure I was pumped as much as usual before getting there / the band playing. Of course, that all changed once they did.

Corey up first with an acoustic set. Midway through he was joined (reluctantly at first [wink] ) by Adam and Pat for Bitch Has Got Problems. The guys also joined in later on on She Talks To Angels, including Rich.

Of course, once the full band took the stage, that's when the real fun began! The really sweet thing about Strange Young Things at Teakwoods is it's always a hell of a set, and not one of these 45 minute deals. Not to diss 45 minute sets, but with Strange Young Things, the longer the set, the better. And so you can't get better than them playing all night.

It was definitely cool that we got Take Me Out Of The City, which I've never seen the full band do. And it was cool that they pulled out Tripped, which I'm sure was again largely for us. [smile]

A really fun night, and really just what the doctor ordered. I just wish we could do this every Friday night! [smile]

And yes, we do keep our smiles in our left breast pocket. But you could hardly tell last night, in spite of everything. Thank god for Strange Young Things!

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