
iPhone Friendly

(Add / View Comments) (0)Saturday, August 6, 2011 - 07:26:17 pm
(Posted Under: Web Development)
So what does it take to create motivation for making your website(s) iPhone friendly. Owning an iPhone for about a week apparently.

Best practice webdesign and coding to standards has been important to me for years. Optimizing sites for mobile devices really hasn't been. Although, a week into owning an iPhone, and sites that work poorly on a iPhone are already the bane of my existence. And y'know, Safari on the iPhone is pretty impressive in my opinion, so by "work poorly" I don't mean as much that they don't work / are broken as much as I mean have no thought given to mobile devices.

So I spent about an hour today; actually, no I spent about an hour before that trying to get a test page as usable as any of Google's sites. To the extent of fudging my user agent to that of the iPhone to see how Google was getting their pages to look so sexy on it. But reasonably quickly got frustrated with the attempts in vain and gave up.

Then I did some Googling, and quickly discovered the "viewport" metatag, and proceeded to find updating the site to play well on an iPhone pretty painless. That's the brilliance of coding with best practices in mind. Override a couple of styles that have specific widths defined, and there you go.

Switch Styles

About Style Switching.

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