
When Good Weather Turns Bad

(Add / View Comments) (0)Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 11:48:31 am
(Posted Under: Travel)
Warsaw weather has been awfully kind to us. It's no Tempe, Arizona, but it's also been a far cry from the ridiculously cold, icy and snowy conditions we were greeted with last year on Christmas Day.

But it's coming. It's certainly been the most uncomfortable day temperature wise since we've been here. And it's about to get a whole lot worse. And as such, we're getting our asses out of dodge a day early. Which is annoying, since we have had such a short stay here as it is. But it looks like the only way we'll get to Kansas City is if we leave tomorrow, and stay overnight. It's frustrating that it's too expensive to change flights, because if we're not going to be here tomorrow, then I'd much rather being back in Phoenix, rather than a hotel. Not flying on Christmas Eve, as well as not flying through St. Paul would also be nice. It not being worth changing our flights sucks.

But I guess as long as we manage to get to Yucca at some time close to 9:30pm it'll all be okay.

Kansas City, Kansas City here I come.
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