
The Day Of Coupons...

...And Packing

Monday, October 12, 2009 - 09:44:30 pm
(Posted Under: Operation Desert Rock)
Today has been a busy, but productive one. With no help of the headache that woke me up for about an hour. *Yawn*. When you've spent a frustrating hour or so not being able to sleep, despite the intense desire to, it's a slap in the face when you're in a peaceful sleep and have to be a awake. And there is a picture of my 7am this morning. All the same, it was worthwhile to get out on the road to Springfield.

After a ridiculously quick oil change at Jiffy Lube - in an out in under 10 minutes, everything checked, oil changed and car vacuumed. From there it was to Best Buy to grab a UPS. I hadn't fully made my decision on a brand, and that was easily sorted out when it turned out there was a sale on the APC made the decision easier for us. It was the day of coupons, and the $5 Best Boy coupon in addition to the sale made the purchase of the UPS today pretty sweet.

With that all taken care of by 10:30, it was off to TGI Friday's to use coupon 3 of 3, for a free burger Katie got from a recent TGIF facebook promotion. Arguably Katie's main motivation for the trip to Springfield. Since we were doing so ridiculously good on time all morning, it was slightly painful having to kill half an hour until TGI's opened. Well worth the wait though, and basically a free meal at Friday's makes it good value.

After lunch we headed back to Jiffy Lube to collect on our free car wash from getting the oil changed. Although it'd be nice to wait until after the long ass drive back to Arizona, we'd been talking about getting the car cleaned, and it definitely needed it. It was the only part of the day that took longer than expected, and not quite efficient as the oil change. Not that Jiffy Lube are really at fault. The process was held up by an OCD woman, who at the end of the wash, went out to car, which was waiting for the finishing touches, popped the trunk, pulled out car cleaning rags, and obsessively went around the car after the attendant, meticulously re-cleaning parts in her opinion (I guess) he missed. Long after the attendant had determined that he was done with the car, uncomfortably wiping here and there while OCD lady continued to clean her car. All the while with cars coming up out of the car wash were backing up behind her, and some customers were giving up, jumping in their cars and taking off before the finishing touches. The annoyance of waiting for an attendant to be able to get to our car was actually outweighed by the comedy of watching the whole thing. Funnily enough, the attendant had made his escape, finished up with our car and we were driving out while OCD lady was still in the process of packing up her own cleaning equipment.

Back on the road by 1, we got back around 3, and started round two of the Arizona packing process. After this, do I need to move again anytime soon? Hell no. However cleaning up the basement and pulling out a second load of stuff went well, an actually wasn't as much work as it seemed by the bomb zone the basement has looked like at late. Of course, the fact that our stuff from Australia is finally arriving tomorrow was a good motivator!


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Kristin says on
Friday, October 16, 2009 - 09:41:54 pm

Sounds like that OCD lady would get along swimmingly w keith!

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