
Dead Hot Workshop Demos

(Add / View Comments) (0)Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 12:23:04 pm
(Posted Under: Tempe Music Scene Tempe Music Scene, Music Music)
The two weeks have been fairly hectic, what with sorting out new computers, and job interviews. As such, I completely forgot about the talk of some Dead Hot Workshop demos that were circulating. Having a moment of down time to check up on that, I've discovered that someone uploaded them to me almost a week ago, without realising it. It's weird to think I have demos sitting here for almost a week, without giving them a listen.

That was sorted out this morning, when I noticed them. I had actually suspected that the CD was going to be something I already had, but I was plesently suprised when I saw that it wasn't, and that there is a great deal of demos of songs that made it to record (A, E Minor / Incorporated, Lead Thoughts, Timex, G-Daddy, Burger Christ. Slice Of Life, Rise Of Decline, Fuck No, Last Train Ride, Crackerbox, Mercades, River Otis, Choad, Sex With Strangers - actually, a majority of album songs) along with the expected rarities.

Too cool. I must say I was extremely excited that A was on there.
Now Playing: Mink Rebellion - Along For The Ride

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