
No Love From Google

Late Night Ramblings

(Add / View Comments) (0)Saturday, October 28, 2006 - 03:52:32 am
(Posted Under: Web Development)
Ahhh, I remember the days when my sites had good Google Page Ranks. Actually, y'know, it wasn't all that long ago! The whole Alphalink debarkle kinda put an end to that.

Up until August, all of my sites have had the same URI's for 8 yearz. Maybe that is an overstatement. Maybe I didn't move all my sites from RMIT to Alphalink when I first signed up. They've definately been up on Alphalink since 2000, making it 6 years, which is still pretty decent. Which I'm sure helped towards decent Google Page Rankings, and more importantly, high search result hits - without ever really trying too hard. I have done some things over the past couple of years, but just for correctness - I was already getting good placings on Google results.

However, since moving all my websites to Internode, I can't get no love from Google. Particularly for Lost Horizons, which is the only one I'm really remotely fussed about in terms of search results anyway. The Gin Blossoms Guitar Archive has kicked off in the last couple of weeks - it shows up as the top hit on Google when searching for the exact term. The Dead Hot Workshop Guitar Archive is totally unknown by Google as it seems. And I can't really get an love for the copy of my homepage hosted on Internode either.

The copy hosted on my server (purpose is only for my weblog, which I host on my own server exclusively) is a whole other story. It is more loved by Google than anything else. Of course, the URL has been around for over 2 years. But still, I notice Google returning more hits for my weblog and other pages hosted locally, than the pages on Internode - where, er, I'd like the traffic to go. I'm considering making everything but my weblog locally point to Internode, to give Google a bit of a helping hand. [smile]

In the meantime, if you have any links to my sites, or know anyone who has, please note the changes, and update your links where possible:

Mark Ord's Homepage: http://www.users.on.net/~ord/home/
Lost Horizons - A Tribute To Doug Hopkins: http://www.users.on.net/~ord/losthorizons/
Gin Blossoms Guitar Archive: http://www.users.on.net/~ord/gin_blossoms_guitar_archive/
Dead Hot Workshop Guitar Archive: http://www.users.on.net/~ord/deadhotworkshop_guitar_archive/

And for all you web spiders out there, and Google, yes, I mean you [wink] Go! Eat! Prosper and be merry!

Who knows if these will make any difference to Google, but I guess we'll soon see. But seriously, if you're a non silicon based life form, updating any links would be good.

Speaking of which, I looked around a bit for places with links, and came across the one for the Gin Blossoms Guitar Archive in the Rock Out Censorship Database. I was solicited by them years ago ('96 or '97) for recipricating links, long before search engine optimizing was a buzz phrase. Which, is probably the only reason I even considered the request. Well, that and their cause was a cool one. Heading on over to the site, it was kinda shocking to me that the address in there, is the original one, for minyos - the site has been moved 3 times since then! [smile] Kinda a trip out seeing the old minyos address still on the web, and my old student number! [smile] Rock Out Censoorship is old school. [smile] If that isn't clearly obvious by the background image on their site, which immediately takes me back to '96. [smile] In anycase, I attempted to update the link, but the service choked. [smile] There you go!

Gin Blossoms On The Mountain

(Add / View Comments) (0)Saturday, October 28, 2006 - 01:00:00 am
(Posted Under: Tempe Music Scene Tempe Music Scene, Music Music)
This is a breakfast show in Tucson, which Katie has been harrassing me all week to think of a way she could go to it. [smile] Alas, I came up short, and maybe it was her payback telling me about the live stream on the internet, with little time to spare.

After getting around the Clear Channel issues, I managed to get it all setup, right before while the preceding commericial was playing. But the stream dropped before the beginning, and I had to setup recording, so I missed a bit of the start. Kinda annoying, but then again, still not a bad effort for being in bed with my laptop, having to sort out stuff on my router, and then main PC, all on the drop of a hat. [smile] At the end of the day, not getting all of an acoustic version of Follow You Down is not the end of the world. [wink] There have been a billion, and I'm sure there will be a billion more. [smile]

Hearing both Long Time Gone and Learning The Hard Way acoustic was cool. I wouldn't expect Long Time Gone to translate acoustically, but actually really enjoyed it. Final song was Til I Hear It From You.

Funnily enough earlier this afternoon, Til I Hear It From You came on. It got me thinking about how typically I could take or leave it. But there are some times when it sounds really good, sounding like when I first heard it. This afternoon was one of those times. I actually by nature of habit swapped to Winamp and skipped it, and then skipped back because it was sounding good today. Which got me to thinking how that's true of that sound, on occassions it can sound great. And then thought about how that really only applies to the studio version. Neveer hearing a live version of it again would totally work for me. I was reminded of that thought tonight, when they played it, as it was my immediate reaction. I was gunning for something else off the new record, instead of Til I Hear It From You, but was pretty confident it'd get played.

In anycase, it was cool to hear. Funnily enough I watched some of How To Loose A Guy In Ten Days, particularly for Follow You Down at the end. It's still cool to hear the guys in a movie - though, I did notice the speed and pitch of it sounded quite off - and the way the song was cut up was quite attrocious. But still, cool to hear, and see their names in the credits. In anycase, it turned out to be a fairly Blossomy night.
Now Playing: Gin Blossoms - Til I Hear It From You (Acoustic)

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