
No, Page 2 Please!

(Add / View Comments) (0)Tuesday, November 1, 2005 - 11:34:58 pm
(Posted Under: Geek)
While looking for a information on using javascript and the rel attribute in anchor tags to open links in a new window, the Web Standards way, I came across a Site Point page, with an interest quirk...

I read through page one, and clicked to go to page 2. Err, page 2. Page 2 please! Rather than taking me to page 2 of the article, clicking the link instead continually brought up a pop-up window, for a free download of Dreamweaver. As tempting as that might be, I would just like to read page 2! [wink]

It took a while, figuring at first that the pop-up was a clickthrough, I worked out what was going on.

Site Point ImageTabbing around, it became obvious that the Dreamweaver ad at the bottom of the page has a higher z-index that the text on the page, and while it looked like you're clicking the href'ed '2', the click is actually being caught by the Dreamweave image. Closing Firefox's search toolbar moved the image down, and made the page anchor clickable. Interesting quirk though.

While I have no doubt that this is just an overlooked quirk on Sitepoint's webpage, however I wonder how long this is used for evil.
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Two Thoughts On Google

(Add / View Comments) (0)Tuesday, November 1, 2005 - 12:10:26 am
(Posted Under: Geek)
So in the past I've known to liken Google to the Diablo. Okay, okay, call it the Diablo! [smile]

Not that I haven't somewhat changed my tune (and using Firefox am now using Google directly for a search engine), but two things are certainly cool about Google.
  1. The event styled logo - just plain cool. I'm sure I've missed the majority of them in the past, but I just hit the Halloween one.
  2. The second point suprises me - how bare bones their search page is. This is a good thing. This is a great thing. However, it still suprises me, for someone who has grown so big to have such a non bastardized page. Even if I still thought they were the Diablo, I'd have to give 'em that! [smile]
On a search related note, on the weekend when I downloaded Firefox, I did a search in Netscape. Hmm, yes, because apparently is too hard to remember! [wink] *Shrug*. Search engines make you lazy! (Okay, the issue was actually going to But regardless, did I really need to do a search? [smile]).

Anywho, I threw "?firefox" in Netscape's location bar, which uses Netscape Search (Powered By Google). Top result? Download Netscape 7.2 Browser. Hmmm, there is something not quite right about that. [smile]

On a related Netscape note, I also went to their page to check that what i previously blogged regarding the lack of changelogs was still accurate. It amazed me that it was questionable about whether they still made a browser! [wink] Oh yeah, call of the dogs, there's a single link to the browser, buried in all that other junk. [wink]
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