

Saturday, June 18, 2005 - 09:05:53 pm
(Posted Under: Movies)
It's funny the way you can know about a movie 12 years, but know nothing about the movie. Yes, I'm talking about Singles. A movie I've heard about for 12 old years - first exposure was seeing the Would? video clip, which got me into Alice In Chains back in 1993. Since then it's, or probably more correctly the soundtrack, has continually come up over the years, and was always something I thought I should see, for rock credibility.

I saw the DVD cheap today, and brought it. Watching particularly the trailer after the movie, I noticed that all this time I actually had no idea what the movie was about (not that it is somewhat self explainitory), and had never seen a trailer for it, or had really ever read anything about the movie. Everything I've read over the years has in actuality has been about the soundtrack, which has much more pop culture standing than the movie.

Impression - not really what I expected. I'd expected the movie to be a lot more alternative rock life style, than the romantic comedy that is. Definately suprising watching the movie and discovering it much different to what I'd expected. Reality Bites, not with the edge that Reality Bites has. Worth a watch though. Definately cool soundtrack.

Just interesting knowing about it and wanting to see it for so long, and realising I've never actually known much about it.

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